48 lines
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48 lines
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using DressAtelierContracts.Attributes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SewingDresses
public static class DataGridViewExtension
public static void FillAndConfigGrid<T>(this DataGridView grid, List<T>? data)
if (data == null) { return; }
grid.DataSource = data;
var type = typeof(T);
var properties = type.GetProperties();
foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in grid.Columns)
var property = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == column.Name);
if (property == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"In type {type.Name} property with name {column.Name} wasn't found");
var attribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnAttribute), true)?.SingleOrDefault();
if (attribute == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Attribute of type ColumnAttribute for property {property.Name} wasn't found");
// attempt to find proper attribute
if (attribute is ColumnAttribute columnAttr)
column.HeaderText = columnAttr.Title;
column.Visible = columnAttr.Visible;
if (columnAttr.IsUseAutoSize)
column.AutoSizeMode = (DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode), columnAttr.GridViewAutoSize.ToString());
column.Width = columnAttr.Width;